Hiking Elysian Park

One of the biggest challenges I've faced in the past year and a half is finding a way to exercise without becoming obsessive about it. When I was in the height of my eating disorder, my only motivation was to burn as many calories as possible. Exercise became an activity that fueled self loathing, and so for me, recovery demanded giving up working out until I had a change of heart/mind.

Needless to say, giving up a regular work out routine was terrifying for me. Growing up, I had always been involved in sports (swim team since I was six) and relied on exercise to make me feel good both physically and mentally. Over the past eight months or so, I have been able to try out different ways of integrating exercise into my recovery. (I'm still trying different things and attempting to be patient with myself when something just doesn't work.)

One activity I have grown to love is hiking. Going on hikes with my friends doesn't give me the chance to obsess over the calories I'm burning because, well, I'm with my friends. Last week my roommates joined me on a hike by Dodger's Stadium. Despite the hot weather, it was gorgeous out, and we took it slow to avoid completely overheating.

We are planning to try out some new hiking spots in LA soon, but first I need to recover from strep throat. Until then I'll be sticking to a diet of yogurt and milkshakes (not recommended, but all I can physically swallow right now) and an exercise regime of sleeping all day on the couch.

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